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CosmicMaple's Player/Donor/Intern Commands

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CosmicMaple's Player/Donor/Intern Commands Empty CosmicMaple's Player/Donor/Intern Commands

Post by CosmicBoy Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:36 pm

@commands/@help - Shows all commands.
@str/@dex/@int/@luk - Adds stats way faster.
@resetstr/dex/int/luk - Resets your desired stats.
@dispose - If you can't talk to an NPC, try using this command.
@reborn/rebirth - Opens a guide on how to Reborn in HeliosMS!
@rebirthcheese - Cheese huting ground after rebirthing.
@gm <message> - Sends a message to the GM's online.
@buycheese - Trades 2b mesos for a Piece of Cheese.
@sellcheese - Trades a Piece of Cheese for 2b mesos.
@kin/male - Opens Male Stylist.
@nimakin/female - Opens Female Stylist.
@job - Open job advancer NPC
@online - Shows how many players are logged in.
@henesys - Warps you to the main town.
@helios/@fmnpc - Opens up our multi-purpose NPC.
@go <map name> - Warps you to a map in a very quick fashion!
@clear all/equip/etc/setup/cash/use - Clears all items in inventory slot of your choice.
@expfix - Fixes your Negative Exp.
@spystats - Checks your victims statistics.
@chalktalk - Write something down on your chalkboard.
@checkstats - Checks your personal statistics.

!dcommands/!dcommand - Shows donor commands.
!dnotice <message> - A world message with [Donor]
!buffme - Gives you donator buff!
!warp <ign> - Warps you to that person. 
!map <mapid> - Gets you to that Map.
!search - Searches for the ID you want.

!jrcommand/!jrcommands - Shows all intern commands.
!ap <amount> - Sets your AP to <amount>
!chattype - Changes the color of your text.Black and White.
!cleardrops - Clear the drops in the map you're in.
!jail <name> - Jails <name>
!jail 2 <name> - Jail 2 <name>
!killall - Kills all mobs in your map
!healmap - Heal the people in your map
!say <message> - <message> will be spread to all the player.
!warp <name> - Warps to <name>
!warphere <name> - Warp <name> to the same map as you
!warp <id> - Warps to <id>.
!spawn <mobid> - Spawns <mobid>.
!jq - Brings you to jump quest map 1
!jq2 - Brings you to jump quest map 2
!jq3 - Brings you to jump quest map 3
!jq4 - Brings you to jump quest map 4
!jq5 - Brings you to jump quest map 5
!oxmap - warps to OX quiz


Posts : 29
Cosmic Forum Points : 62
Join date : 2013-04-18


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